The Deeds of Yang K.

Yang’s Current Deed Count: 25
  • Created the Danny’s Heroes logo free of charge
  • Donated a carton of horizon organic chocolate milk to a thirsty elderly gentleman.
  • Brought bananas and made eggs for my roommate so he would eat well during a stressful work period.
  • Gave an author-friend copious feedback on a chapter she was struggling on.
  • Held the elevator door for a late co-worker and then allowed her to go directly to her {higher} floor before going to my {lower} floor.  Almost lost an arm while stopping the elevator doors!
  • Removed and replaced a broken grate cover in the street, thus covering up the gaping hole that could have caused an injury to an innocent pedestrian/biker/animal.
  • Hailed a cab for two cold people behind her in line before hailing a cab for herself.
  • Sold over a hundred boxes of girl scout cookies for my niece her niece, picked them up, and delivered them (without eating them all).
  • Helped pick up a manman’s papers after the wind blew them off a table and all over the sidewalk/street.  This deed was shared with Emily B.
  • Despite being in a rush, I held the door open for a group of 11 tourists that were very far behind me (so they would not get separated).
  • Purchased a rock-climbing harness for my niece so she can climb when ever she wants with me or her mom.
  • Even though I was running late, I drove a friend, who was also running late, to the Bethesda Metro so he wouldn’t get stuck in the “Red Line single tracking mess” and was thus able to make his date
  • Donated a pendant earring set (that I made) to a silent auction that benfits a deserving underprivileged school
  • Carried 2 large bags of dodgeballs (15 or more!) up a large hill to storage because my friend (league administrator) had to leave early to catch a plane
  • Treated my friend to lunch, as he was sad that he had just lost his wallet.
  • Organized a high-schooler’s snack sale ”cash box system” after observing him mistakenly give $23 in change instead of $8.
  • Purchased drinks and snack for three friends who where hard at work volunteering at an acapella event and did not have time to eat all night.
  • While eating at the bar with 4 chairs and 6 friends, she searched around the bar for at least 5 minutes to find 2 extra chairs.
  • Gave her distraught friend a ride home and cooked her lunch while having a heart to heart talk.
  • Participating in the 7th annual Scope it Out 5K on March 25, running with a team of co-workers, friends, and family running for colon cancer awareness.
  • Gave up her front-row seat at a local debate event in order to tape it for one of the contestants.
  • To allow some friends in a bar to play drinking games, I walked 0.5 miles round-trip to my car to grab some ping pong balls. Upon returning, I then carried a table from a back room up some stairs to complete the setup.  By that time, it was so late that I had to leave and did not get to play!
  • Volunteered as a blackjack dealer at a National Kidney Foundation benefit.
  • Donated to my niece’s “Jump Rope for Heart” fundraiser.  This program brings heart health awareness to children and helps “children with special hearts.”
  • Donated money to help ”provide surgery costs for 14 year-old Daguma” who is “suffering from tuberculosis of the spine.” (deed done concurrently with Rachel B.)

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